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| The Night Alive | By Connor McPherson
The John Drew Theater at Guild Hall, East Hampton, NY
Spring 2016

The Night Alive
Photo By Dane Dupuis

The Night Alive

The Night Alive

The Night Alive
Photo By Dane Dupuis
Director | Stephen Hamilton
Scenic Design | Ann Beyersdorfer
Lighting Design | Sebastian Paczynski
Costume Design | Yuka Silvera
Starring | Kevin O'Rourke, J.Stephen Brantley, Molly Carden, Tuck Milligan, Rob DiSario
"The work doesn't just pass - it shines expertly presented vision...." - The NY Times
"The set, designed by Ann Beyersdorfer, is also vivid, strewn with cardboard boxes, plastic bins, a toolbox, a sink flanked by a battered metal file cabinet, assorted trash and three doorways that actually seem to lead somewhere." - The NY Times
“This is as good as Broadway.” -Lorraine Dusky, The Southampton Press
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